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Find your International School in Wuhan, China

All the key information about the 4 boarding International Schools in Wuhan, China: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc.

4 schools in Wuhan match your filters: Boarding Only

Wuhan Britain-China School

Wuhan Britain-China School values knowledge very highly, but it values individuals even more highly. WHBC's philosophy is simple: to play as significant a part as it is able to play in the development of all students as they acquire the skills and discipline that will enable them to make the most of the talents that they have. To help all students to plan wisely for the future, WHBC offers a broad, balanced, comprehensive and liberal curriculum across all programmes: an approach to education that on every programme is firmly focused on the needs and potential of the individual student while inviting, welcoming and facilitating the participation and co-operation of teachers, students, parents, partners and all other stakeholders, individual or institutional, so that WHBC can be a truly positive and productive force in the community it serves. WHBC is fully committed to achieving these goals without sacrificing any of the academic rigour that underlies its teaching, its expectations and its methods of assessment.
IB, American, British
Language of instruction
14 to 18
This school does not make their fees public.
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Maple Leaf International School Wuhan

Maple Leaf International School Wuhan's mission is to blend the best of the East and the West to provide an excellent education program that prepares students for success in the international world of tomorrow.
Canadian, Chinese
Language of instruction
6 to 18
This school does not make their fees public.
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ISA Wuhan International School

ISA Wuhan International School offers outstanding K-12 education to students aged 2 to 18 years old. All students around the globe are welcome to apply for admission.
Language of instruction
3 to 18
This school does not make their fees public.
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Wuhan Ulink College of China Optics Valley

Wuhan Ulink College of China Optics Valley, a member of Ulink Education Group, was opened in 2014. The school is located in Optics Valley Wuhan, which is a hub for high-tech industries, and adjacent to Cang Long Dao, which means Island of Hidden Dragon, a perfect place for future talents to study and learn. WHULC has been able to offer more flexible and tailored learning programs to its students through small-sized and stratified teaching, and professional career counseling and university application service student entry to their admission to university.
WHULC is dedicated to excellence in education by offering Cambridge International Examinations IGCSE and A-Level curricular to Chinese students aged 14-19 and help them to get ready for entering into the best universities in the world.
Language of instruction
14 to 18
This school does not make their fees public.
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