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News and Articles about Brighton College Bangkok - Bangkok


Interview with Mike Walton: International Education in Bangkok in times of COVID-19

We sit down with Mike Walton, Head Master at Brighton College Bangkok, to ask him about his thoughts on the impact of COVID-19 in International Education.

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4 Lessons Learnt in Education from the Covid-19 crisis

Our site at Brighton College International School Bangkok
was closed on March 18th 2020, and since that date our pupils have continued their learning at home. It has been a
truly extraordinary time to lead a school, so I’m happy to share some reflections of what we’ve learnt along the

1. Children are incredibly adaptable

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More About Brighton College Bangkok

Brighton College Bangkok

Brighton College Bangkok inspires academic excellence with a culture of kindness, curiosity and confidence.
Language of instruction
2 to 18
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: 572,000 ฿
to: 994,000 ฿
(1 review)
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