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Find your International School in Da Nang, Vietnam

All the key information about the 2 boarding International Schools in Da Nang, Vietnam: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc.

2 schools in Da Nang match your filters: Boarding Only

APU American International School - Da Nang

Following the success of Ho Chi Minh City’s campus, APU is pleased to have opened the APU American International School in Da Nang City in 2015, which provides the APU quality and brand in the Central region of Vietnam.
Language of instruction
3 to 18
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: 237,600,000 ₫
to: 568,920,000 ₫
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Hoi An International School

Hoi An International School offers a unique and inspirational setting for learning.
Students in Early Years and Primary can choose between International and Bilingual Programmes.
British, Vietnamese
Languages of instruction
English, Vietnamese
2 to 18
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: 215,000,000 ₫
to: 510,000,000 ₫
(1 review)
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