Ages 3 to 18


Bali Island School

1.5 (based on 2 reviews) Reviews aren't verified

Average Rating

Breakdown of the average rating
Overall opinion - Terrible
Teachers - Terrible
Academics - Average
Facilities - Average
School Atmosphere - Average
Administration - Average
Based on 2 reviews
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2 reviews for Bali Island School - (Reviews aren't verified )


- Terrible
February 26, 2024
- Terrible

The school lost its way and ethics by putting profit above education. Many parents and students were lied to about securing places in the next academic year but they chose to create composite mixed grade classes and hire inexperienced teachers. Doesn't justify the high amoubt of fees demanded. Very poor attitude was given from staff to parents when enquiring about these problems that caused many to abandon the school programme halfway.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Terrible
Teachers - Terrible
Academics - Terrible
Facilities - Good
School Atmosphere - Average
Administration - Terrible


- Average
October 15, 2023
- Average

Composite class 3/4 is worse idea BIS ever had. The program immature, the teacher is new and never had work overseas. My Son is their victim. He felt composite class is boring, no challenging, got bullied, and the class look like isolation and punishment for him. BIS gave my son seat (Grade 4) to new student and break a promise give a seat to “current” parents. The composite class for business than education because the quality was down and the kids mentally broken especially for Grade 4 in composite class.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Terrible
Teachers - Terrible
Academics - Good
Facilities - Average
School Atmosphere - Average
Administration - Very Good

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See all the information about Bali Island School

Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 3 to 18
Reviews: 1.5
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