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Find your International School in Sarawak, Malaysia

All the key information about the 2 International Schools with International curriculum curriculum in Sarawak, Malaysia: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc.

2 schools in Sarawak match your filters: Curriculum: International

Woodlands International School

Woodlands International School provides high quality international education for students aged two and a half and above following English National Curriculum, IPC and leading into Cambridge IGCSEs.
British, International
Language of instruction
2 to 16
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: RM7,600
to: RM20,600
Your personal score

Knewton Global Schools

Our Motto
Nurturing Inspiring Empowering
Our Purpose
At Knewton Global Schools we are…
Nurturing learners to lead successful, fulfilling lives
We believe that when students are supported and guided as they learn, they will build the confidence and resilience to take on greater academic challenge. We believe in educating the whole child for academic and personal success.
Inspiring global citizens to make a positive difference
We believe in developing units of instruction that require students to actively engage with the world around them. We believe that through learning students develop skills of critical thinking and collaboration, as well as the capacity for empathy.
Empowering individuals to be confident and proactive
We believe in the ability of our students to take increasing ownership of their learning and behaviour, make wise decisions, and solve problems creatively.
Our Learner Attributes
Creative and critical thinkers
British, International, Malaysian
Languages of instruction
English, Malay
3 to 16
Yearly fees - 2022/2023
from: RM10,500
to: RM37,575
Your personal score

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