Ages 3 to 18


Newton International School Lagoon Verified

2.9 (based on 7 reviews) Reviews aren't verified

Average Rating

Breakdown of the average rating
Overall opinion - Good
Teachers - Good
Academics - Average
Facilities - Average
School Atmosphere - Average
Administration - Average
Based on 7 reviews
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7 reviews for Newton International School Lagoon - (Reviews aren't verified )

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Showing 3 reviews by parents and students.


- Terrible
February 07, 2023
- Terrible

This school is currently in one of the worst states ever in the whole schools history including students vaping and students not paying attention.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Terrible
Teachers - Average
Academics - Terrible
Facilities - Average
School Atmosphere - Terrible
Administration - Terrible


- Fantastic
April 14, 2021
- Fantastic

The school has really turned around. The new leadership team has made the school a much better place for all children to attend and learn. The teachers have done an amazing job to continue with teaching at such a high level during the pandemic. Behaviours have improved and the learning environment is second to none. As a parent of 3 children who attend the school, I am very happy with both the Primary and Secondary schools. The staff are always very friendly and helpful. This is a school that is most definitely on the up and one which I am very proud to say that my children attend.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Fantastic
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Fantastic


- Average
November 08, 2020
- Average

First of all,the building of the school looks fantastic and attractive,but what the school gives isn’t anything like the outside. The main problem of the school is the behavior, nearly every lesson I had to shush everyone so I wouldn’t get into trouble with them. The students there act like children,they don’t respect the teachers and don’t care about their education. The only respect people like the principals but treat most teachers badly. This led to a a lot of teachers leaving and only the ‘bad teachers’ are left in the school. Sometimes, the teachers aren’t able to teach at al due to behavior, at some classes the teacher needs to wait 15-30mins for the students to calm down then they can start the lesson. In conclusion, the main problem is the behavior of the students, if it is fixed it will be a great school.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Average
Teachers - Average
Academics - Average
Facilities - Terrible
School Atmosphere - Terrible
Administration - Average

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See all the information about Newton International School Lagoon

Leaving qualificationsIGCSE and A-Levels
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 3 to 18
Reviews: 2.9
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