Ages 3 to 18


Modern International School Bangkok Verified

3.7 (based on 6 reviews) Reviews aren't verified


- Fantastic
April 22, 2021
- Fantastic

Modern International School Bangkok (M.I.S.B.) is a very "enchanting" and a "dream school" for most, that outperforms other schools elsewhere in terms of all academic, social, facilities and extra-curricular activities. I have studied in this school for nearly 13 years right from Kindergarten until Secondary stage, and I have only seen this school developing ever since then until now. Never a thought came into my mind of changing to study in any other school, and the foods and the services are very relishing. Not forgetting to mention the staffs/employees who support the students whenever in need, both emotionally and academically, which in return helps them for a strong growth throughout in further studies like university, and life in general of-course. On the other hand, there are various relevant factors associated with the school, such as their culture, their amazing talent and their remarkable new curriculum. Their strong perseverance, and motivation to grow and achieve greater heights through every phases of life has become difficult to beat, yet they set a great example for others to continue in life no matter what the situation may be or come to arise. I cannot thank the entire team of the school enough for the moral values, and for educating me to be the undefeatable person that I am today. Do check out this school guys, no kidding!! <3

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Fantastic
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Fantastic

5 other reviews for Modern International School Bangkok - (Reviews aren't verified )

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Showing 3 reviews by parents and students.


- Very Good
February 28, 2021
- Very Good

It is only in times of crises that one gets to know who is who. I have been particularly moved by some of the teachers (mostly school legacy who have been there since its founding year more or less) who never took for granted that all the kids in the class could hit the ground running into the following academic year, after the chaotic learning environment from the online lessons they were forced into in April 2020 until June. A good number of them, although unfortunately not all, evaluated the shortcomings that kids carried over from the online lessons and managed to find the time to fill up the knowledge gaps. This kind of ethical and professional attitude is a rare commodity these days. Modern International boasts a good number of highly skilled and knowledgeable legacy teachers.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Very Good
Teachers - Good
Academics - Very Good
Facilities - Good
School Atmosphere - Very Good
Administration - Very Good


- Very Good
February 25, 2021
- Very Good

School content and teaching style is appreciated.
School diet and activities can be made more international than just restricting to traditional indian style

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Very Good
Teachers - Very Good
Academics - Very Good
Facilities - Good
School Atmosphere - Good
Administration - Very Good


- Very Good
February 25, 2021
- Very Good

I and Takahiro (Y3B) like the atmosphere of a homely school.
I also want Modern to resume swimming classes as soon as possible,

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Very Good
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Very Good
Facilities - Average
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Very Good

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See all the information about Modern International School Bangkok

Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 3 to 18
Reviews: 3.7
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