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Find the best International School in Shanghai, China

Filtered by Cambridge Assessment curriculum.

All the key information about the single International School with Cambridge Assessment curriculum in Shanghai, China: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc.

There are 45 international schools in Shanghai.
1 school in Shanghai match your filters: Curriculum: Cambridge Assessment

Britannica International School, Shanghai

As the only British owned, British managed and largely British staffed school in Shanghai, Britannica International School provides the ‘Best of British Education’. Located in the heart of the city, Britannica International School, Shanghai offers a full British curriculum, adapted and extended to meet the needs of international students. As a relatively small school we provide a personalised approach to teaching adapting our curriculum and student learning to meet the individual needs of each child. Britannica International School, Shanghai is located in Gubei, close to the downtown area, with nearby open spaces, and which is easily accessible with short journey times and bus routes for students.
Cambridge Assessment
Language of instruction
2 to 18
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: 元243,700
to: 元344,600
(2 reviews)
Your personal score

Best Schools in Shanghai according to our users

Britannica International School, Shanghai

Cambridge Assessment
Language of instruction
2 to 18
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: 元243,700
to: 元344,600
(2 reviews)