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Filtered by Indian curriculum.

All the key information about the single International School with Indian curriculum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc.

There are 114 international schools in Kuala Lumpur.
1 school in Kuala Lumpur match your filters: Curriculum: Indian

Vikas International School

Vikas International School is a co-educational Institution which has classes from kindergarten to tenth.
Vikas is staffed by a dedicated team of qualified and experienced professionals. Each child is a unique individual who possesses inherent potential of different types.The objectives of the school are to identify, tap and develop this potential. In the process of learning, the child develops into a confident, complete person. The personal attention and encouragement which the teachers extend to each student open lines of communication between students and faculty at the same time, VIS encourages the students to develop a world-view and become universal citizens who are aware of and at ease with, other viewpoints, lifestyles culture.
Language of instruction
3 to 16
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: RM8,500
to: RM16,500
Your personal score

Best Schools in Kuala Lumpur according to our users

Vikas International School

Language of instruction
3 to 16
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: RM8,500
to: RM16,500