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Filtered by Colombian curriculum.

All the key information about the 3 International Schools with Colombian curriculum in Bogota, Colombia: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc.

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There are 19 international schools in Bogotá.
3 schools in Bogotá match your filters: Curriculum: Colombian

Colegio Helvetia

Colegio Helvetia is a private multilingual (Spanish, German, French) Swiss school.
Swiss, Colombian
Languages of instruction
French, German, Spanish
3 to 18
This school does not make their fees public.
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Colegio Italiano Leonardo Da Vinci

Colegio Italiano Leonardo Da Vinci is an Italian international school in Bogota. It caters for children aged 3-18. Instruction is in Italian and Spanish, and it offers both the Colombian and Italian diplomas.
Italian, Colombian
Languages of instruction
Italian, Spanish
3 to 18
This school does not make their fees public.
Your personal score


GCB offers an international curriculum, geared towards leadership with a social vocation and characterized by a solid education of values, high level of competence in all areas of the curriculum and a learning process supported by up-to-date IT environments and tools.
IB, British, Colombian
Languages of instruction
English, Spanish
3 to 18
This school does not make their fees public.
Your personal score

Best Schools in Bogotá according to our users

Colegio Helvetia

Swiss, Colombian
Languages of instruction
French, German, Spanish
3 to 18
This school does not make their fees public.

Colegio Italiano Leonardo Da Vinci

Italian, Colombian
Languages of instruction
Italian, Spanish
3 to 18
This school does not make their fees public.


IB, British, Colombian
Languages of instruction
English, Spanish
3 to 18
This school does not make their fees public.