Find the best International School in Basel, Switzerland
Filtered by IB curriculum.
All the key information about the 5 International Schools with IB curriculum in Basel, Switzerland: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc.
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There are 9 international schools in Basel.
BKA International School
BKA International School is dedicated to providing the highest quality of child care and education.
BKA has been designed to cater to the diverse families that live in this great city. BKA offers a stimulating educational environment in which children can develop and learn in a warm and caring bilingual (English and German) environment.
BKA has been designed to cater to the diverse families that live in this great city. BKA offers a stimulating educational environment in which children can develop and learn in a warm and caring bilingual (English and German) environment.
- Curriculum
- IB
- Languages of instruction
- English, German
- Ages
- 1 to 18
- Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: CHF 22,850
to: CHF 32,000 - Your personal score
International School Basel
International School Basel is the only school in Basel offering three International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes for children 3 - 19 years old in English, and in English-German in Junior School. We provide students with the education, support and inspiration they need to become global citizens and impact their world.
- Curriculum
- IB
- Language of instruction
- English
- Ages
- 3 to 18
- Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: CHF 23,540
to: CHF 37,310 - Your personal score
Saint Charles International School
Saint Charles International School is located in the charming medieval town of Porrentruy in the Swiss Jura Canton. Founded in 1897, the school welcomes students from around the world. The boarding programme accepts students from the ages of 10-18. Day students are accepted from the age of 8. Students have the choice of two programmes: The Swiss programme and the international programme offering MYP and IB.
- Curriculum
- IB, Swiss
- Languages of instruction
- English, French
- Ages
- 8 to 18
- This school does not make their fees public.
- Your personal score
ipso International School
ipso! International School is a bilingual all-day school for children aged 1.5 to 16 years. The German-English early childhood support and education programme is unique in Switzerland and offers a combination of international and local curricula and a family atmosphere.
- Curriculum
- IB, Swiss
- Languages of instruction
- English, German
- Ages
- 2 to 16
- This school does not make their fees public.
- Your personal score
SIS Swiss International School Basel
SIS Swiss International School Basel provides a complete education from preschool through to secondary school and college. On all levels, subjects are taught in German and English; however, bilingualism is not a prerequisite for joining the school at any level.
- Curriculum
- IB, British, Swiss
- Languages of instruction
- English, German
- Ages
- 3 to 18
- Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: CHF 22,380
to: CHF 33,360 - Your personal score