Ages 2 to 18


Bandung Independent School Verified badge.pink.sm

4.7 (based on 4 reviews) Reviews aren't verified

Average Rating

Very Good
Breakdown of the average rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Very Good
Academics - Very Good
Facilities - Very Good
School Atmosphere - Very Good
Administration - Very Good
Based on 4 reviews
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4 reviews for Bandung Independent School - (Reviews aren't verified )

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- Fantastic
March 23, 2024
- Fantastic

The school is very fun international community with no bullying

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Fantastic
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Fantastic


- Fantastic
February 19, 2024
- Fantastic

Excellent community for my family. Having moved from the other side of the world five years ago, we were looking for a school that was academically excellent, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural, and friendly. We are happy to have been a part of this wonderful community for the past 5 years, surviving the COVID pandemic and coming out of it stronger.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Fantastic
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Fantastic


- Very Good
February 07, 2024
- Very Good

My 3 children love going to BIS thanks to the amazing learning experiences which stretch their knowledge and skills, and nurture and build their characters. They have a supportive community of friends and teachers with diverse backgrounds and interests. As a parent, I also appreciate the open communication and integrity of the school.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Very Good
Teachers - Very Good
Academics - Very Good
Facilities - Very Good
School Atmosphere - Very Good
Administration - Very Good


- Fantastic
February 05, 2024
- Fantastic

I first heard BIS described as "a hidden gem", which still rings true today. It's a community that care for one another, celebrates diverse perspectives, and cultivates thoughtful, knowledgeable, passionate leaders. I'm so grateful to be part of this community!

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Very Good
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Fantastic

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