IB, American, and Christian
Ages 3 to 18


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4.8 (based on 7 reviews) Reviews aren't verified

Average Rating

Very Good
Breakdown of the average rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Very Good
Facilities - Very Good
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Very Good
Based on 7 reviews
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7 reviews for Lighthouse International School - (Reviews aren't verified )

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Showing 3 reviews by parents and students.


- Fantastic
April 22, 2021
- Fantastic

Lighthouse international School is the answer to our prayers. As a parents, we wanted a safe place for our children with excellent academic levels. And we as a family found in LIS more than we were expecting, we got the safety and academic levels we were looking for, but also found carrying classmates, loving teachers, beautiful infrastructure, extracurricular activities, core values and spiritual guidance. We as family are happy with the decision and look forward to continue with this institution.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Fantastic
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Fantastic


- Fantastic
April 13, 2021
- Fantastic

La tranquilidad de los padres no solo consiste en la parte académica que tenga la institución donde estudien sus hijos... nuestros chicos recordarán el día de mañana los días felices que vivieron junto a sus compañeros y amigos, por eso ellos DEBEN estar en un lugar donde NO solamente estudien, sino donde puedan también sentirse cómodos y disfrutar. LIGHTHOUSE ha venido a ser esto para nosotros como familia... un colegio de calidad académica... de enseñanza y guía en el cristianismo... de un ambiente de respeto y aceptación para todos... un lugar de Amistad y Crecimiento!!

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Very Good
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Very Good


- Fantastic
April 13, 2021
- Fantastic

english level espectacular

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Fantastic
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Fantastic

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See all the information about Lighthouse International School

CitySan Jose
CurriculumsIB, American, and Christian
Leaving qualificationsIB Diploma and SAT
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 3 to 18
Reviews: 4.8
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