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Find your International School in Nagano, Japan

All the key information about the 3 International Schools in Nagano, Japan and other nearby cities: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc.

3 schools in Nagano match your filters: Language: Indonesian

Hakuba International School

Hakuba International School uses project based learning to address the question how can people and the planet both flourish? Hakuba village and the outdoors is our classroom and we have a half school day to full school day each week designated to an expedition. Students also participate in 3 - 4 weeks throughout the school year in the outdoors, camping, hiking, or on the water learning about nature and outdoor skills. We are currently a 7th - 9th grade school and we are adding a grade each year until we are a 7th - 12th day and boarding school by the 2026 - 27 school year. We are a small school that will only have 20 students in each grade 7th - 9th and 30 students per grade 10th - 12th.
International, Project Based Learning
Language of instruction
12 to 16
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: ¥3,800,000
to: ¥3,800,000

International School of Nagano

International School of Nagano is an international school that has about 320 students from 0 years old to middle school.
Language of instruction
1 to 12
This school does not make their fees public.


UWC ISAK Japan is a 3-year boarding international high school in Japan developing transformational leaders for the greater good of the world.
Language of instruction
15 to 18
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: ¥6,156,000
to: ¥6,156,000

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