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Filtered by teaching in Italian.

All the key information about the single International School in San Francisco Bay Area, USA teaching in Italian: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc.

There are 19 international schools in San Francisco Bay Area.
1 school in San Francisco Bay Area match your filters: Language: Italian

La Scuola International School

La Scuola International School is the only Reggio Emilia inspired, International Baccalaureate and Italian language immersion school in the world. Its mission is to inspire brave learners to shape the future. That’s why, every day, it’s the students at La Scuola who ask the provocative questions and lead their learning across languages, across cultures, and across subjects.
IB, Reggio Emilia Approach
Languages of instruction
English, Italian
2 to 14
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: $43,770
to: $43,200
Your personal score

Best Schools in San Francisco Bay Area according to our users

La Scuola International School

IB, Reggio Emilia Approach
Languages of instruction
English, Italian
2 to 14
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: $43,770
to: $43,200