Ages 3 to 18

United Nations International School Hanoi

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Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 3 to 18
Social Media:

Quick summary of key school information

Language of instruction English
Native English teachers
Extra languages (other than English)
Class sizes Average 16 students / class
Maximum 22 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Yearly fees: from: 319,906,500 ₫
to: 939,614,000 ₫
Address: UNIS Hanoi, G9 Ciputra, Tay Ho, Hanoi, Vietnam
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All the details about this school in their own words

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 40 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.


Number of students


Number of nationalities represented in the school


Most common nationality

UNIS Hanoi has a cultural diversity admissions policy. No one nationality may exceed 20% of the total student enrolment and an effort is made to maintain cultural diversity within each grade level. In 2022-23, our top five national groups were Vietnamese (20%), Korean (20%), American (15%), Japan (8%), and Australia (6%).

Ratio of local students to international students

20% Vietnamese, 80% from other nationalities.


Native English speaking teachers


Language support for students not fluent in English

Yes, students participate in an English as an Additional Language (EAL) programme supported by the whole school and community. This means EAL students attend mainstream classes with English language support both inside and outside of the classroom. As a student gains more mastery in English, as demonstrated in classroom achievement, he or she becomes more independent of EAL support services. To complete a balanced academic life and add to the socialisation process, EAL students often play on one of the many sports teams and take part in other extra-curricular activities offered throughout the year at UNIS Hanoi.

Additional language classes offered by the school

Vietnamese, Mandarin & French in Elementary School and from Middle School onward Spanish is also offered. Students in the IB Diploma programme can also opt to take self-study language courses in the student's mother tongue. This qualifies them for the bi-lingual IB Diploma. UNIS Hanoi also supports home language (mother tongue) development of all languages, by providing coordination for Home Language (including the Self-Taught Languages in the Diploma programme). Home Language programmes are paid for in full by the community members participating in the programme. This is in addition to the payment of full tuition and fees of the regular UNIS Hanoi programme. Currently in Elementary school, the Home Language programme includes Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Korean, German, Japanese, Hindi and Swedish. In Secondary School, Chinese, Danish, Dutch and Swedish are offered.


Max. number of students per class

Early Years 3 and 4 (age 3 and 4): 16 students with 2 teaching staff per class
Kindergarten 2 (age 5): 18 students with 2 teaching staff
From Grade 1 onward maximum class size is 22 students per class

Average number of students per class

The average number can vary depending on grade level. Additionally, in Secondary School, depending on subject selections. For example, the IB Diploma Music class tends to be small in number, yet the Film class may average 16 students.

Does the school employ teaching assistants?


Use of technology in the classroom

From ECC to Grade 3, children enjoy the use of multimedia resources such as iPads, Chromebooks and other mobile devices. In Grades 4-8, each student is loaned a device as part of the School's 1:1 device programme. The High School operates a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative. Additionally, UNIS Hanoi has adopted a flexible learning model that encourages teachers to collaboratively identify and agree on the aims and uses of technology before integrating it in the classrooms. To provide more student support, the teachers work together with the Technology Coordinators in integrating technology into the curriculum.

Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)

UNIS Hanoi has designed a robust Distance Learning programme which is a full academic offering that ensures continuation of learning in times of full campus closure. It is facilitated by UNIS Hanoi faculty members who take full responsibility for the delivery of the curriculum for our students. Distance Learning consists of both synchronous (live) sessions with teachers, as well as asynchronous tasks that can be independently managed by students and their families. Supported by the Technology team at UNIS Hanoi, faculty members are able to successfully deliver learning utilizing the latest technologies.

Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?

UNIS Hanoi is not a faith-based institution. UNIS Hanoi is a non-profit international school affiliated with the United Nations. Our community includes members of all faiths.


External examinations or assessments available

Elementary and Middle School students take Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments designed to determine a child’s instructional level and to measure academic growth throughout the school year, and from year to year in the areas of language arts and mathematics. The MAP assessment is administered on a computer and is based on a curriculum adapted for international schools. UNIS Hanoi also administers the the International Student Assessment (ISA) assessment in Grades 3-9. The ISA assessment aligns with the PISA frameworks for literacy and mathematical skills. The data that ISA generates allows UNIS Hanoi to compare the quality of our educational programme in relation to other similar international schools and also to national norms. This assessment takes into account the cultural diversity of students who will take it, and schools are compared against those with a similar English language learner profile. Diploma Programme students in Grade 12 complete the International Baccalaureate Diploma assessments administered by the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) and including both external and internal assessment.

Results in these examinations

In 2022, 89% of Grade 12 students attempted the International Baccalaureate Diploma and 99% passed.

Do teachers assign homework to their students?

In Elementary School, UNIS Hanoi expects that students are reading daily at home, both in English and in their home language. A large body of research demonstrates that the activity that has the most positive impact on students’ academic success in Elementary School is daily reading for pleasure. Homework assigned in Middle and High School varies by grade level.

Approximate hours of homework given

In Middle School, beginning in the middle of Grade 6, students can expect some homework. The maximum for Middle School students, in Grade 8, would be 20 minutes per subject area. Middle School homework may be given Monday through Thursday. Weekends and holidays are primarily reserved for family time. As a general guideline, students in High School should expect roughly 1 hour 30 minutes of homework each night. Homework on weekends is expected. Extended assignments and long range projects will often require weekend work and will require students to utilise time management skills.

Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation

In 2022, 100% of students who wished to go to university were accepted into a university of their choice. Eighty-five percent were accepted to their first or second choice.

Student support

Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs

Student Support Services are available for students at UNIS Hanoi. The Student Support Team consists of the Principals, Deputy Principals, Counsellors, Learning Support Teachers, a Speech and Language Therapist (Elementary School), a Psychologist, and the School Nurses.

Learning support offered

The UNIS Hanoi Learning Support Programme is committed to supporting the individual needs of all UNIS Hanoi students. The Learning Support Programme is committed to ensuring that all students have equitable access to learning, opportunities for achievement and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of their educational programmes. Through an inclusive and nurturing educational environment, students are encouraged to become independent, lifelong learners in a global society.

Students experiencing difficulties in accessing the curriculum and successfully demonstrating their learning are referred by teachers to the Student Services Team (SST). Support is delivered through a tiered intervention system as determined by the SST. Partnership between parents, administration, classroom teachers, students, and the Learning Support teachers are an integral part of the programme. The Learning Support Teachers work closely with students, teachers, and parents in order to assist those who need additional support to access the curriculum. They may work with an individual student, small groups of students, class groups, or with Elementary teachers to provide intervention strategies to be implemented within the classroom.

Students on Learning Intervention Plans may receive support through:

-Adaptations implemented by the classroom teacher, in consultation with Learning Support
-Working with Learning Support teachers in the classroom setting
-Working with Learning Support teachers in the resource room once or twice a week

Students on Individual Education Plans may receive support through any or all of the options above and a learning support class as part of their timetable. The Learning Support programme enables students who are experiencing academic difficulty, the opportunity to pursue and achieve the goals of their educational programme.

The school supports gifted, able and talented students

UNIS Hanoi offers enrichment programmes in Secondary School.

Student access to education psychologist

UNIS Hanoi employs a psychologist who specialises in supporting students from Early Years to Grade 12. Please see the Learning Support section of UNIS Hanoi website for more information.


Entry evaluation for students

Students applying to UNIS Hanoi are required to undergo admissions assessments in order for us to better understand the student's learning experience and their level of English. The outcome of these assessments plays an important part in making sure that our new students receive the right support as they transition to UNIS Hanoi. The assessment results are shared with parents and forms only one part of our admissions criteria.

Brief description of entry evaluation required

For non-native English speakers, Kindergarten and Elementary School students participate in the WIDA Access Placement Test to determine their English proficiency. Middle School students participate in the English assessment provided by our school. Please refer to the English as an Additional Language (EAL) section on our school website for details: https://www.unishanoi.org/page.cfm?p=1121

Waiting list

Admissions is on a rolling and first-come, first-serve basis and according to UNIS Hanoi admissions policies available on our website. There are waiting lists for some nationalities and for placement in our English as an Additional Language programme for some grade levels. All families considering UNIS Hanoi should submit an Enquiry Form via our website as early as possible. There is no cost to enquire.

Deadline for registration (new academic year)

UNIS Hanoi offers rolling admissions. An online Enquiry can be submitted at any time. Admissions is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Many grade levels are full and waitlisted, depending on applicant priority status, English level, and nationality, thus it is important to submit an online enquiry as early as possible in your school search.

Students can join after academic year begins

Yes, if placement is available.

School day

School start time

8:10 am

School finish time

On Mondays, Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays, School finishes at 14:00 for our Early Years students; 15:30 for Elementary School students and 15:30 for Secondary School students. On Wednesdays, School finishes at 14:30 for all students (including our Early Years students).

Supervised care before/after school

The Early Years full day programme ends at 14:00, however families can opt for the Extended Day programme, allowing students to finish at 15:30 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. For students in Kindergarten 2 to Grade 12, there are After School Activities and sports available for them to participate it. These activities take place between 15:30 and 17:30.

School bus service available


School provided lunches


Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)

There are always Western, Asian and vegetarian options available, as well as a salad bar.

Uniform required


Extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

In 2019-20, UNIS Hanoi had 269 Co-Curricular options from Early Years 3 to Grade 12. At least 80% of students participated in Co-Curricular Activities. Despite the disruption caused by COVID-19, there were a total of 22 student teams. The foundation of the Co-Curricular offerings is the After School Activities (ASAs) Programme. These activities are varying, wide-ranging and generally fall into one of five categories: Visual and Performing Arts - Ceramics, Contemporary dance, Glee Club, School of Rock, theatre, band, orchestra, choir, painting/drawing, etc.; Academic Pursuits - SAT Prep, The Spark (MS Newspaper), The Flame (HS Newspaper), Math Challenge, Gardening Club, etc.; Technology - Coding Club, Computer Club, Robotics, 3D Art, etc. ;Sports and Movement - Learn to swim, volleyball, tennis, soccer, rugby, baseball, basketball, swimming, gymnastics, badminton, dance, running/jogging, weight training, golf, etc.

Sports activities included

A wide variety of sports and health activities are included in the curriculum; activities may vary from year to year but can include sports teams for which UNIS Hanoi has teams: baseball/T-ball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, track and field, swimming, tennis and badminton; as well as other activities such as skateboarding, cycling, water polo, etc.

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

Team sports at UNIS Hanoi include baseball/T-ball, basketball, volleyball, soccer, track and field, swimming, and badminton. UNIS Hanoi is an active member of the Hanoi Activity Conference (HAC), Mekong River International School Association (MRISA), and the Asia Pacific Activities Conference (APAC).


Sports facilities at the school

An adventure playground with 12 major structures that promote cardio-vascular fitness, coordination, and managed risk-taking including basketball area, trampolines, logs, ropes, tetherball, slides, bouldering mountain, water play, swings, monkey bars, and spider web climbing frames. UNIS Hanoi has plentiful green space with a 400 metre track and full size soccer fields. Three tennis courts are used for PE classes and the UNIS Tennis Academy programme. All season swimming pools and fitness room: 25 metre, 6 lane covered swimming pool and a child-size swimming pool are heated during the winter for usage throughout the year. Students use the pools for PE classes and co-curricular activities. The UNIS Hanoi community can use the pool/fitness room outside of school hours for a minimal membership fee. A 1800m2 multi-purpose sports covered court built to international (Olympic) standards with sports flooring. The covered court is equipped with 12 basketball hoops. The space allows two full basketball courts or four volleyball games or 8 badminton games happening at once. Sports Centre and Centre for the Arts (hosts Music, Art, Drama classes and a 400-seat Theatre) offer students state-of-the-art facilities and space for the areas of performing arts and sports training/competitions. An artificial turf soccer pitch for all year use.

About the school

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

UNIS Hanoi vision is that our learning community will be an inspirational role model for a better world. We value curiosity, community, integrity, diversity, courage and responsibility. UNIS Hanoi is a non-profit school associated with the United Nations; we integrate the Sustainable Development Goals into our curriculum. We are diverse and multi-cultural with over 60 nationalities represented in our school community.

Teaching approach of the school

International Baccalaureate World School offering the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), and Diploma Programme (DP).

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