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Find the best International School in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Filtered by teaching in Spanish.

All the key information about the single International School in Frankfurt am Main, Germany teaching in Spanish: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc.

There are 15 international schools in Frankfurt am Main.
1 school in Frankfurt am Main match your filters: Language: Spanish

The Erasmus Frankfurter City School

The Erasmus Frankfurter City School offers a highly effective trilingual, progressive full day concept – from kindergarten through to secondary school. The concept is not only delightfully engaging for children, it also enables parents to perfectly balance their careers and family lives.
British, German
Languages of instruction
English, German, Spanish
6 to 18
This school does not make their fees public.
Your personal score

Best Schools in Frankfurt am Main according to our users

The Erasmus Frankfurter City School

British, German
Languages of instruction
English, German, Spanish
6 to 18
This school does not make their fees public.