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Find the best International School in Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Filtered by teaching in Spanish.

All the key information about the single International School in Boston, Massachusetts, United States teaching in Spanish: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc.

There are 10 international schools in Boston, Massachusetts.
1 school in Boston, Massachusetts match your filters: Language: Spanish

SELA: The International Private School

Welcome to SELA: The International Private School, where language excellence meets academic achievement since 2004. With campuses in Hingham and Norwell, Sela offers global international education in Southeastern Massachusetts. From ages 3 months to 8th grade SELA provides a safe, learning-focused environment, where every child's unique strengths are valued.
Language immersion is where students learn the core curriculum in a target language. In other words, once students step foot inside SELA, they are fully immersed in Spanish.
Languages of instruction
English, Spanish
1 to 14
This school does not make their fees public.
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SELA: The International Private School

Languages of instruction
English, Spanish
1 to 14
This school does not make their fees public.